Chapel Holistics Beauty Retreat Cheadle Hulme


Chapel Holistics Beauty Retreat Cheadle Hulme


My Calm Hypno Solutions

Calm Hypnosolutions

Hi, I'm Simon, founder of My Calm Hypnosolutions.

Do you suffer with Anxiety? Do you need to calm your mind? Do you have low self-esteem?

Solution Focussed Hypnotherapy is a talking therapy that blends Psychotherapy techniques with Hypnosis, to focus on your solutions rather than your problems.

Let’s chat! Book a free, no obligation Zoom consultation to see if we can work together to find out more…

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is a modern form of talking therapy that blends psychotherapy techniques with hypnosis.

It is distinct for its focus on your solution rather than your problems.

The therapy uses guided relaxation to induce a trance-like state, where you can concentrate on positive thoughts and suggestions.

This approach is structured and practical, aiming to bring about significant changes in a brief period. I will collaborate with you, helping you recognize your current position, envision your desired state, and strengthen your own abilities to achieve your goals. These concepts are reinforced during the hypnosis phase, engaging the subconscious mind in a natural yet potent way.

reprogram your mind for success

Unlike other forms of hypnotherapy that might directly tackle a problem (such as making chocolate cake taste unpleasant to aid weight management), Solution Focused Hypnotherapy addresses underlying issues like anxiety. By enhancing overall well-being and self-esteem, it helps you make necessary life changes.

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can potentially influence the brain’s synaptic (where nerve cells communicate with each other) organization, supporting the idea that you can rewire your thought patterns and emotional responses towards a more positive and solution-focused outlook.

Let’s chat! Book a free, no obligation Zoom consultation to see if we can work together to find out more…

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